Time it seems, will never leave us be. It is one of the few constancies in the world, followed by Death, Ruin, and Failure. These things are not possibilities in the realm of man, these are man’s destiny. No matter the effort poured into the avoidance of the inevitable downfall of our entropic existence, are we unable to stay what awaits us, regardless of anything we pretend is good. So then why is it we continue to persist? Why not just fade into the backlighting of the Fates, and accept our place in the dust of our endeavors? Because we wish to burn ourselves in the hatred of what we will become.
White-Wolf has actually given this a name. The Path of Paradox. It is the belief the Ravnos follow. It is the belief, that if we cannot have something, then we should destroy it for any of those who would claim it their own. If we are unable to have something, then why should we surrender it to those who care for no more than to put us down and take it?
It is indeed true, not everyone finds this to be a logical way of life. There are those who feel we should establish something for the greater good of the human race. To allow our decedents a more comfortable living. This is what brings them the joy of burning through everything which stands in the path of humanity. To build, to furnish, and to control.
Although, the most dangerous people who fight against what we face, are those who simply find it pleasurable to be. Those we wish to “settle down, and raise a family”. To give into the most selfish, and base instinct humans poses - breeding. It is the one thing which governs us. The subconscious desire to spread our genes, and to pass on our knowledge to the ignorant. To make a mark unto the world. To allow our bloodline to continue through the ages and time.
The one thing those who burn themselves out look to accomplish, is to leave something of themselves, so they will not be forgotten. So others will remember them. But those who seek to be remembered, should not be remembered. It is humanity's destiny to fail. Everyone will be forgotten, in the ravaging of the cold, dead earth.
- “In a world of nothing, fear does not exist. This is the world all life desires."