The Blog version of the articles written by Studly-C, and presented on the LTM site at
Published on June 25, 2004 By Studly-C In Philosophy
We all strive for things. Most different than others, but it can be said for all, our lives would be marginally better if we had a higher status in life. What is a higher status than supreme ruler?

How do you achieve such a status, you ask? Well there are a few ways, a lot require weapons from the future or biological creatures of death. However, I believe there are some other ways. The task starts at the Americas.

Step 1 :

Some how manage to place yourself in the powers of The United States by become president and abolishing the “democratic” state, and into a dictatorship or pulling hidden strings.

Step 2:

Now that you have the US, feel free to buy out Canada and Mexico. Central and South America will need to be taken through a “drug war”, and if they happen to want to become under your rule…oops! Congratulations, you have now acquired the western hemisphere.

Step 3:

The eastern could be a little more tricky. The first step is to take the Arab nations because they pose a threat to our nation and others, right? Then the Koreas, with North’s armaments and south’s resources you can slowly barter the rest of the world.

The Resolution:

The only problem that you could encounter would be the other two powers, China and Russia. However, owning the rest of the world, there is almost nothing they could do. At this point in the game they do not have chance to change things.

And now the world is yours, and you can do what whimsical desires suit you best. And with the title of ruler of the world, you now have immortality. Everything is yours and no one can bother you.

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